“Yes! Show Me The Private Consulting, PGx Pharmacy Model!” (2024)

“How I Used My Pharmacy Experience To Create My Own PGx -  Precision Medicine Practice In 12 Weeks

Instead Of 'Living Out' My Expertise In A Walgreens!" (you know what I mean)
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
Free Webclass 

On This Free Webclass I’ll Share

My #1 strategy

For dealing with the dead end (and disappearing) Pharmacy Jobs - and why that’s a GOOD thing for you and me…

The secret skillset 

Used by wealthy Pharmacists, to predict their own revenue and thrive in the shrinking job market

See the exact system

I use to have 1+ person per day ASK to buy my PGx services from me

Is This Webclass Worth It?

I will actually see my first patients on Tuesday. So it's doable. Even if you're old like me, and have been out of pharmacy school forever, it's totally doable. But probably it would take 10 times as long without taking the course, because Jamie goes over all the things you need to know about how to set up everything from a bank account to an LLC, how to get started seeing patients, all the details, and she has figured it all out for you and sort of put it into a simplified version in a class. So you don't have to go out there and spend months and months doing all that research.
“I have been in and gotten so frustrated and bored with traditional retail pharmacy, and just felt is soul crushing…and I don't just have to be a cog in the wheel, I can be what I want to be I can make, make it my own. And I can really be passionate about my customers and my clients. So the truth of where I'm at now, I've been active in my business for about a year and have been seeing clients.”
“I'd always wanted to be an entrepreneur for many years. And so I realized this is a great opportunity for me to help patients to be successful with the medication therapies that they need to have. And this is a way for me to be valued for what I'm worth for me to be able to determine what I want to do and where I want to go in my career.”
“I couldn't have asked for a better coach or mentor than Jamie. The Academy also provides all the information I needed to start my own business, including weekly guest interviews…also included other pharmacists that are doing their own innovative things with their career, and it's just nice to see what other people are doing and get advice with that.
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